

 Chris Smith

 Kinross, Scotland
United Kingdom


        Совсем недавно меня разыскал по интернету шотландский композитор, художник (и поэт) Крис Смит, и у нас завязалась электронная дружба. Между нами обнаружилось неожиданное сходство, начиная с имен,  близости дней рождения, до направлений творческой деятельности и, как выяснилось, в мировосприятии. Ниже я привожу его картину «Sunset» и свою картину «Закат»… (правая картина – моя)

sunset3.jpg                                      "Закат". Бумага, гуашь.


  Информацию о Крисе я привожу с его официального сайта  http://www.chrissmith.tv/index.html


         Ниже вы можете увидеть стихотворение Криса и фрагмент одной из его картин.



About Сhristopher Martin Smith


Born 5th March 1967in Dunfermline, Chris began his musical career at five performing traditional Scottish songs on stage with his family. At 14 Chris began playing drums receiving a call-up from the then hugely famous Scottish rock band "Big Country" at 17 years old. Chris went on to tour, perform and record with many famous artists including, Big Country, Nazareth, David Allison, The Platters and Dougie MacLean. An ambassador for the drum company Remo, Chris represented Scotlandtwice in the National Drummers Alliance Competition, "the search to find Britain's best drummer". Chris played prestigious venues from Edinburgh Castle to New York's Broadway, touring America extensively over a five year period, including many Live, TV, Radio and album appearances with the likes of Emmylou Harris, Nancy Griffiths and Mary Black. After recording the album, "Guitar Gi-tar" Chris toured in Russia as a guest of the Government with Jazz/Classical guitarist David Allison. Chris travelled to Tennessee in October 2003 to film and record the 3rd movement of his 1st Piano Concerto with The Studio Orchestra under the baton of jazz legend Rusty Holloway. The video "Fantasy" is now airing on Classic FM TV". Chris recently received a request from concert pianist, David Helfgott, subject of the Oscar winning film "Shine", for the score to the piano variation of Fantasy. He has contacted Chris since to say he very much enjoys playing the piece. Chris is an accomplished artist and published poet with some of his portraiture work remaining on permanent public display throughout Scotland.




Ode To Friendship



Here’s to your health, my truest friend,

To you I'll drink this toast,

Your kindly disposition mends,

My troubles and my woes.


Your friendship brings a light and joy,

No other could replace,

The bond we share, and so enjoy,

Let time never erase.


For you are surely, true of heart,

To this I'll never blind,

For in this world of fickle friends,

You are one of a kind.


I miss you friend, and await the day,

I'll take your hand in mine,

For life is short and distance far,

And precious is our time.

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